11.1. Installing Perl


The installation of Perl is essentially dependent on the operating system used. The effort for installation is low and is described in this section.

To check if Perl is already installed on your system, call the command perl -v in the terminal.

$ perl -v
This is perl 5, version 30, subversion 0 (v5.30.0) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi

If you are shown the version number of the Perl interpreter, skip the next details and continue instead with Section 11.2, “Installing Finance::Quote.

Procedure 11.1. On Linux

  1. On most systems Perl is probably already installed. If with the previous command does not show a version, then the easiest way is to use your system’s package manager for installation.

  2. When using the GnuCash FlatPak package, Perl and Finance::Quote are already functionally installed.

Procedure 11.2. On macOS

Procedure 11.3. On Windows

  1. Under Windows run the program Install Online Price Retrieval for GnuCash to run. This will install Strawberry Perl.

  2. For execution you need Administrator privilegies, which are requested in the dialog. The installation can take more then 15 minutes.

  3. If during the installation the error message No such file or directory or permission denied are displayed, then it may help to disable the antivirus software temporarily.


Afterwards it’s a good idea to include the folder where GnuCash is installed, under Windows e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin, to your PATH environment variable. This way it’s easier for you to use some Section 11.3, “Using gnucash-cli for Testing and Automation.” when needed. Please refer to the documentation for your operating system for more information.